Hess Family History

The Hess family played an important part in the early history and development of the country, and research shows that representatives of the family now living in our midst are descended from at least three distinct families of this name, between whom no relationship is known to have existed. These three pioneers were John Nicholas Hess, from Zweibrucken, Germany, who settled in Springfield Township Bucks County; Frederick Hess, who settled in what is now Lynn Township, Lehigh County; and Conrad Hess, an early settler in Mount Bethel Township, Northampton County. All three were men of prominence in their respective communities, and reared large families.

Conrad Hess (my 7th great grandfather), born August 19, 1714, was appointed one of the Justices of Northampton County under the Crown, June 9, 1752, and was a Prothonotary and Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer from 1760 to 1771. His will was dated July 5, 1773, and at that time he was resident of New Britain Township, Bucks County. The witnesses were Jacob Ratzel (?Hartzel) and George Scholl, and the will was probated at Easton, January 6, 1797. Conrad Hess had ten children; William, Christian, Jeremiah, Frederick, John, Henry Conrad, Maria (m. Jacob Gratz, Jr.), Elizabeth (m. Jacob Keiler), and Ann (m. Tobias Scholl).

William Hess (my 6th great grandfather), born 1744 and died February 17, 1827, the eldest son of Conrad, took an active part in the struggle of the Colonies for Independence. William was a private under Captain Jacob Buss, Co.; 2nd Battalion, Northampton Co. Militia, 1780. He is listed in the Pennsylvania Archives, Series III, Volume XXIII, Page 203 as a Ranger on the Frontier 1778-1783 also in series III, Volume XXIII, Page 327 listed as one of the Reuben Kamp Company. He was a resident of Mount Bethel Township, Northampton County, an in later life removed to Northumberland County, where he died. William Hess and his wife Anna Catharine, had nine children: Anna, George,Andrew, Paul, Jacob, Tobias, Abraham, William H. and Elizabeth (m. Siegle Kohl).

Abraham Hess(my 5th great grandfather), son of William, was born April 18, 1781. The facts seem to indicate that he was the Abraham Hess who married Sarah, daughter of Isaac Reimer of Mount Bethel Township, and removed to Moore Township, Northampton County. In the fall of the year 1802, Abraham Hess, then only a little over 21 years old, left on horseback to visit relatives in New York State, after making all necessary preparations for the comfort of his family during his abscence, and was never heard from again. His children were: Mathias, William and Anna Maria C. (she was born April 30, 1803, never having seen her father and for 39 years was the wife of David Rohn of Lower Nazareth Township, Northampton County).

William Hess (my 4th great grandfather), was born May 10, 1801, and died August 8, 1858. His wife Elizabeth S., was a daughter of John Laub of Moore Township, born September 13, 1805, and died February 13, 1875. He and his wife are buried at Zions Stone Church near Kreidersville. They had the following children: Stephen, John, Abraham, Samuel, William, Mary A. (m. Henry Beil), Julia Ann (m. Levi Silfies), Rebecca (m. Thomas Halliwell), Carolina (m. James W. Hapter), Sarah and Anna Eliza.

Stephen Hess (my 3rd great grandfather), was born May 19, 1827 and died April 25, 1888. He was a farmer in Kreidersville, Pennsylvania. His wife, Eliza, was a daughter of Ferdinand and Maria Woodring/Wortring. Eliza was blind and they had the following children: Theodore, Frank, Amandes, Tilghman, Stephen and William are twins, George, Levi, Thomas and Mantana (m. Milton Person).

Amandes Hess (my 2nd great grandfather), was born June 29, 1857 and died October 24, 1932. Amandes married Juliann Abel and after her death married Rose Alice Abel. Amandes and Juliann had the following children: Mary (m. Heckman), Lizzie Susanna, Gurdie, Gertrude (m. Henry P. Schaffer).

Gertrude Hess (my great grandmother), was born September 7, 1888 and died July 21, 1967. Gertrude married Henry Paul Schaffer. They had the following children: Althea Beatrice (m. Albert A. Leibenguth), Russel H. and adopted daughter Helen Muschko (m. Morris M. Winkleman).